Rata Gordon - Second Person
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Rata Gordon - Second Person
The only thing to bring
this frozen world to life
is an imagination.
Who has one? Do I?
Let me check.
Rata Gordon’s first poetry collection is both graceful and restless, sorrowful and witty. In poems about childhood, travelling, the body and the Earth, Gordon describes the freedom and disorientation we find in unfamilar places, and the way that our longings and imaginings animate our lives.
Poems by Rata Gordon have appeared in Best New Zealand Poems, The Spinoff, Sport, Landfall, JAAM, Poetry NZ Yearbook, Geometry, Sweet Mammalian, 4th Floor and elsewhere. She works in arts and mental health. ratagordon.com
210x138mm, 94pp
Cover: Di ffrench, Opera on the Whanganui (1995/6). Courtesy ARTIS Gallery, Auckland